Mel Fisher’s Treasures

200 Green Street & 613 Duval Street

Travel Deal!

20% Discount on all coin mounts using promo code KWFINEST

Explore Mel Fisher Treasures!

Tell them Amber sent you!

33 years ago, Mel Fisher, a dreamer, a visionary, a legend and most importantly, the World’s Greatest Treasure Hunter! Mel Fisher did what many have not – he realized his dream during his lifetime. Everyday he insisted, “Today’s the Day”! His mantra continues to inspire the search for the rest of the treasure from the Nuestra Senora de Atocha and the Santa Margarita, the Spanish galleons that sank during a hurricane on September 6, 1622, near Key West, Florida.

You can actually own a piece of history! Head over to Mel Fisher’s Treasures and explore all of the fascinating items from rings to artifacts, replicas and originals, books and stories and bling to show off just how much of a Key West treasure fanatic you really are! Located at 613 Duval and 200 Green Street at the side entrance to the Museum between the two pirate statues.



Amber, Key West!

Key West's Finest

Mel Fisher's Museum

Duval Street Store