
Sculpture Key West places selected artworks in the community for our enjoyment all year long. This program is part of our mission to educate and inspire the residents and visitors of the Florida Keys. Sculpture Key West believes that art isn’t something we should always have to make plans to see, or buy a ticket to visit. Instead, art belongs in our everyday environment where we can bump into it, where it can unexpectedly alter our day and our world.

Sculpture on the Island:

Key West Weather Station, Robert Chambers “Propane Dog”
Pocket Park at Grinnell and Angela, Larry Estridge “Openings”
Bayview Park, Emil Adamec “The Gateway”
Fort East Martello, Eames Demetrios “Fort Tayla”
The Historic Gato Cigar Factory (outside), Tim Curtis “The Lick”
The Historic Gato Cigar Factory (inside), Jim Racchi “I-Beam”
The Key West Tropical Forest and Botanical Garden, Lori Nozick “Diaspora Series”


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