If we give one more penny to bail out a big bank or corporation we might as well just flush whatever is left of the U.S. treasury down the toilet! It is a black hole that will never be filled.  Remember when you were a kid playing on the beach and some smarty pants grown up told you to try to dig a hole to China? Well, that is not a myth.  If you haven’t noticed, the entire United States is slowly sinking into that hole and ending up in China!  What a shame that greed has become our biggest nemesis.  Have you ever seen how a horrible forest fire can destroy an entire century’s worth of trees and foliage only to find that years later the forest has grown back thicker, lusher and more beautiful than ever?  That is what is about to happen to the world economy.  There is a purging and cleansing happening that is out of our control.  I say let it be.  Not one more penny to bail out anybody!

Which brings me to my recipe of the day:

Bail Out Bolognese-This sauce is best served with a hearty pasta such as tagliatelle or spaghetti.

Take 1lb. lean ground beef, 1 lb. ground veal, 1 lb. ground pork. Brown, drain and set aside.  In same pot, sautee onion, celery, carrots and garlic until translucent.  (ask every neighbor you have for each of these ingredients, even if you already have them).   Return meat to pot with vegetables(return nothing to your neighbors).  Open up your best bottle of wine that your husband has been saving for a special occasion (that day will never come).  Drink half the bottle (in your best crystal wineglass of course), pour the other half into the pot, then throw wineglass onto the street making a big smash sound.  (it will feel so good) Simmer for 8 minutes to reduce alcohol (the sauce).  Add 3 cans of crushed tomatoes (and dreams), 2 cups chicken broth, 3 tbls. sugar, 2 tbls. Italian seasoning, salt and pepper.  Cook on med-low for 1 and a half hours until thick.  Add one cup whole milk to sauce and cook 20 minutes more.  Cook pasta.  Add 1 cup ricotta cheese to sauce just before serving.  Top with fresh basil, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, and a generous dusting of fresh grated Parmesan cheese! Just before serving this delicious meal, call and order Chinese take out.  Flush pasta and sauce down the toilet while you give your last penny to the Chinese.  Bon Appetite!