
Happy Birthday to my Dad! We are taking him out to dinner tonight at Kelly’s Caribbean Bar & Grille.  They have a really great new menu and you can view on this web site in the restaurant section.  One thing I love about Kelly’s is the outdoor dining area.  It’s nicely lit, has huge gorgeous trees and a very tropical feel.  Although I’m trying to focus on dinner with my family tonight, I can’t help feeling that there is something else lurking out there……….

Oh, that would probably be Tropical Storm or possibly Hurricane Fay!!! Snap! What about the first week of school that starts Monday? The storm is forecast to (possibly) hit Key West Tuesday afternoon.  It looks like it will probably be a category 1 in which case we personally choose to not evacuate.  If you are planning on coming to Key West this week I would probably wait until the weekend! Remember, you can only get your hotel deposit refunded if we are in an “official” Hurricane Warning.

Then there is always the other important dilemma…what to eat! Hurricane shopping is such a pain! Water, water, water and you have to plan everything around power outages! Pb&j is so hurricane Georges! I’m thinking about a no-mayo pasta salad, all of my freezer meet on the grill and maybe I’ll bake a cake! Me,my Husband, Daughter, Father & Dog will bunker down and watch the weather channel and eat all day long! It’s like a really long Superbowl party! Hurricaines are not all fun & games, safety comes first.  If you can have great family time together stay safe and be grateful for what you have then you have made the best of it!