The more you visit Key West, the longer your stays become. It’s just the way it works. You can’t get enough of the friendly and helpful vibe so prevalent on our island. In fact, the longer you stay, the more helpful you become too.  Below are some of our favorite opportunities for Voluntourism in Key West!

There are so many opportunities to volunteer in Key West. If you’re spending several weeks or months on the island, the experience of helping out is sure to add richness to your stay. What is there to do? Well, what are your interests?

IMG_6344 (1)Do you have a green thumb and relish your time in the garden? The Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden will be your idea of Nirvana. Be a visitor center greeter, assist with group tours, or use your expertise planting, watering, trimming, and weeding. Gardening is good for the soul.

Fascinated by films? The retro designed Tropic Cinema in Old Town is a movie loTropicCinemavers dream. First run films, as well as vintage movies and documentaries abound. Sell tickets at the door or make popcorn in the concession stand. Of course you get to watch movies for free.

Can’t get enough of books? The Monroe County Public Library on Fleming Street has an active group of bibliophiles, the Friends of the Library, that help out at the monthly used book sales held in the building’s beautiful courtyard. The Lecture Series events are prime time to lend a hand and hear literary thought leaders when they come to town.

west martelloIf Key West history interests you, be a guide at one of the city’s historic buildings through the Key West Art & Historical Society. The 88 steps to the top of the Lighthouse Tower on Whitehead Street will keep you fit if you decide to lead a tour or two a day. The gift shop below is also an interesting option. Meet people from all over the world as they converge to see our sights. Other venues to volunteer are the Custom’s House Museum on Front Street and Fort East Martello on South Roosevelt Boulevard.IMG_6182 (2)

Do you have a soft spot for animals? The Key West Wildlife Center can use your help to keep up the grounds and assist on projects to help the rescued animals return to their natural habitat. Your time and compassion are the only requirements.

As a volunteer in our Key West community, you will meet people you would have never met and have experiences that money can’t buy. Your most important contribution is making a difference. That’s quite a legacy.